Mobian's Blog
2021-05-17 Status update
May 17, 2021
7 min read
The past few months have been quieter than usual regarding Mobian development, but that’s not to say we didn’t make progress! Actually, even though user-visible changes are few, we kept working on improving both the stability of our distribution and our tooling, so that new developments can be better tested, and reach users faster than they used to.
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The road to the Mobian Community Edition (part 1)
Apr 8, 2021
6 min read
The Mobian project was officially announced on May 14th, 2020. But those who witnessed its birth surely remember it all started a few months prior to this date, a bit more than one year ago, actually. One year hacking and building both a mobile operating system and a community. One year refining our system, getting rid of the early days’ hacks in favor of more mature and robust solutions. One year ending with a major milestone for such a young project: getting the Mobian Community Edition PinePhone into the hands of thousands of users. One hell of a year, indeed!
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2021-03-17 Status update
Mar 17, 2021
4 min read
In the past few months, a whole lot has happened for Mobian: we launched, in close cooperation with Pine64, the Mobian Community Edition PinePhone, which by now should have reached the hands of almost all who ordered it. We went through several iterations of our on-device installer and other strategic packages, such as the kernel, and we’ve been busy improving both our packages and infrastructure.
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The staging Mobian distro
Mar 15, 2021
3 min read
Most of us just want their phone to be working. But some like to be more on the edge of things, trying out the newest
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What is Mobian?
Feb 18, 2021
4 min read
Now that the Mobian CE is being sold, and Mobian becomes more popular, we are often asked in the support channel, “what and who is Mobian?” In the midst of action, we don’t reflect upon this subject very often, but it is worth contemplating and summarizing.
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Issues and hurdles when performing the initial upgrade
Feb 9, 2021
4 min read
Dear Mobian CE owners, congratulations on receiving your mobile phone. We hope you will like Mobian and we hope that you will be helping us to make it even better.
We are writing this post as the initial upgrade is rather tricky and there are a few pitfalls when performing it. We do know that real men and women don’t read manuals, but please read this post carefully in order to not lock yourself permanently out of your phone (just an example of what can happen if you don’t read this…).
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Announcing the PinePhone Mobian Community Edition
Jan 15, 2021
3 min read
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Pine64 is releasing a Mobian Community Edition of the PinePhone! This is a major milestone for our project, which started less than a year ago as a way to bring Debian to this exact mobile device!
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Welcome to Mobian's Blog!
Jan 13, 2021
1 min read
Almost a year after the project first started, it’s about time we created an official communication channel for more-than-140-chars messages from the Mobian team.